June | 2014 | UNTHINKABLE: An Airline Captain's Story

A fan of “Unthinkable: An Airline Captain’s Story” recently shared the following YouTube video with us, surprised to see Phil Marshall’s wife, Sean, on TV taking the exact opposite position from Independent Investigator Wayne Madsen regarding the recent deaths of her husband, their two teenage kids and the family dog.

Sean Marshall on gun violence.

We are all so sorry for Sean Marshall’s loss and she is obviously genuinely convinced the deaths of her children were at her husband’s hands.

We’re posting this video for all those who wonder why our film doesn’t present more compelling evidence convicting someone for the deaths or present the evidence Marshall planned to publish in his next book.  We don’t because we don’t have it.  And neither does the Calaveras County Sheriff.

That’s why we’re convinced our film has value.  It is an honest presentation of known facts in the circumstances surrounding the deaths of Philip Marshall and his two kids.  Troubling, because as much as our hearts go out to Sean Marshall, family and friends of her two kids, Alex and Macalia, there is a preponderance of evidence suggesting the Calaveras County Sheriff was either unthinkably incompetent or deliberately participated in a cover-up to protect the identity of those actually responsible for the deaths.

We believe the deaths of Phil Marshall, his two teenage kids (and the family dog) demand further independent investigation to prove who is truly to blame for these tragic deaths.

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